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Laser cutting head and optical elements are the key to the success of laser cutting
所属分类:Common problem发表时间:2021-06-25

Laser cutting head and optical elements are the key to the success of laser cutting

The innovation and technology development of laser optics or laser cutting head greatly promote the development and improvement of laser cutting quality. In the laser cutting process, the operator's intervention becomes less and less, focusing on the cutting automation.

Progress of laser cutting technology

The development of laser cutting technology has brought the ability to cut almost all materials. In addition, the progress of laser cutter components improves the accuracy and the possibility of complex cutting.

Optics is the key to success

With the increasing demand for quality and cutting, laser optical systems become more efficient. At the beginning, the laser cutting machine only used one focal length lens, which greatly limited the application range of laser cutting. After the emergence of multi lens laser technology, the speed of laser cutting has become faster, and its quality has also been improved.

The need for better laser optical systems has led to the development of autofocus systems. With this system, the operator no longer needs to adjust the focus of the lens manually, but the focus system completes automatically. This can reduce the waste of time and improve the cutting speed and quality. In addition, through technology development, the replacement of laser cutting head lens becomes easier.

Laser cutting automation

The development of automation technology leads to the improvement of cutting speed. CNC technology has been further upgraded, so laser cutting machine can carry out more complex cutting. In addition, on the laser cutting machine workbench, the automatic cutting of metal plate speeds up the whole cutting process, and the operator can focus on the adjustment of laser cutting parameters.

Evolution of fiber laser appearance

With the emergence of new laser technology, fiber laser can produce higher intensity laser beam. The former CO2 laser has been replaced by fiber laser with better performance. Fiber laser uses diode instead of gas laser generator.

The fiber laser also improves the cutting efficiency. Carbon dioxide cutters use only 10% of the energy they consume in the cutting process, compared with up to 35% for fiber lasers. However, due to the cutting advantages of CO2 laser in some materials, it is still used in some industries.

It is expected that in the future, laser cutting will be synonymous with high quality and high cost performance when cutting metal and other materials.
